cross-posted from:

• Gen Z’s nostalgia for the early 2000s is sparking a revival of landline phones, seen as a retro-chic escape from the digital age.

• Influenced by '90s and 2000s TV shows, young adults like Nicole Randone and Sam Casper embrace landlines for their vintage appeal.

• Urban Outfitters capitalizes on Gen Z’s love for nostalgia by selling retro items like landline phones alongside fashion trends from the '90s and 2000s.

    7 months ago

    Hey man I got 42 upvotes them the rules. You can’t say that word anymore. Sorry. I didn’t make the rules, you did.

    This is boring now. Feel free to use ableist language. No one can stop you. Just get over the fact that no one owes you the time convince you otherwise or just brush past it. You’re being an ass and people will treat you like the ass you are being. Simple as that.

    I’m done man. I wish you the best. Hopefully one day you say this to the wrong (or rather right I suppose) person and their reaction finally gets through to you.