No I’m not catastrophising.

The world is slowly lurching towards a fully fascist led America, India, Hungary, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Argentina.

Instead people are either ignorant or blaming “wokeism”* for their problems.

I have no clue what to do and this is literally a car crash in slow motion.

I’m despondent because I’m going to be crushed under the boot when the time comes and my morals get in the way of my survival instinct.

Humans are repeating the mistakes of the past. It’s just so anxiety inducing.

*Woke is a useless term promulgated by fascists to dog whistle the things they really want to hate - feminism, socialism, LGBTQIA+, immigration, brown/black people, equality and diversity.

    7 months ago

    If only that were true. I can’t speak for the world as a whole, but things are pretty bad in the US. As a whole, LGBTQ+, especially trans folks, are at the highest risk of being victimized in the last 50 years. Just a few months ago, about 15 miles away from where I live, a trans kid was lured by right wing extremists and murdered. They used Grindr to catfish him in a planned, coordinated action. They are on trial for it right now.

    I used that example to iterate how problems do exist in our personal communities. Anecdotes are not proof of larger societal trends, but the societal trends show it is a societal problem, too.

    Yes, the number in the article I linked is not large by itself, but it is important to remember they are nearly all people who were fully out and were not afraid to tell people it. Most trans people are either somewhat or entirely closeted for safety.

      7 months ago

      You think trans people today are more victimized than in the 70’s+? Lol.

      You’re delusional touch grass and talk to older people for some perspective. Lol go watch MILK or something