Hey! Curious if anyone tried to communicate between GovCloud and Commercial AWS? I am aware they are separated by design. I have a task to try to have a ECS make an api call a private api gateway on GovCloud. Right now the idea is to use private API gateway on GovCloud and a VPC Endpoint on the Commercial side. I don’t think this will work…
I’m certain that this cannot be done without a VPN or having the GovCloud api be public facing, but as I’m not by any means an expert in AWS networking I am curious if anyone has any thoughts?
Please keep in mind I haven’t done any work on either for a few years now. I would definitely check if something is possible today… But with little hope. AWS support should be able to give you more infos on this connection (or lack thereof).
Thank you, yeah I will talk to support next week. I like to ask questions like this in public so that it could potentially help someone else out in the future