I’m Gregor, I don’t post a lot, but I do make loads of comments.
Downvoted this purely for the lulz, I apologize.
ChatGPT is very useful for coding.
Chrome is not the same as chromium/blink. You can use other chromium-based browsers, which are not full of google spyware.
Do tell how that matters. You can always switch to another engine or fork blink.
Blink is incredibly performant. Why would you hate on a specific browser engine just because it’s made by Google? Nothing stands in your way to switch to Firefox if you want, plus Blink is open source so what’s not to like?
Thanks, I suck at figuring out whether something is a joke or not.
That’s a good thing :3
I can’t tell if this is a joke; I meant Matrix, the federated communication protocol.
Vim is hard to use. Would it be worth it to learn it?
Vim is quite hard to use @-@. I would have to learn using it and that is not easy. So far I’m satisfied with using VS code and nano.
Antennapod, absolutely amazing app.
What API key? All of my code is available here, you can see for yourself that there is no API key. Also, this website is client-side only.
I’m not coding on the floor, I just have a mat on my desk. And Beri loves it.
LMAO I actually talk to her while coding! “Alright Beri, so you see, this svelte component puts a div tag around its content…”
Yes, Minecraft and Element are also absolutely required.
Yep, here’s the code https://github.com/gragorther/website-2.0 and here’s the website: blog.gregtech.eu
Yeah Beri loves this desk carpet.
Haiii :3