Well, billionaires own so many businesses, it wouldnt raise any suspicion if one of those investments to grow the company was a pretty unconventional one…
Just saying.
Well, billionaires own so many businesses, it wouldnt raise any suspicion if one of those investments to grow the company was a pretty unconventional one…
Just saying.
Proton is run by a fascist. Its only a matter of time until they too will Start sucking Trumps balls
So, I always thought this was more a autism thing
Wait, isnt that picture ripped From Jamesˋs Channel (James is that dude whos in most of the videos in the garbage time youtube channel)
The Problem with the RFID wasnt that is was tagged, but that the Codes of the RFID Chips werent publicly availible to write onto any spool Filament that has RFID in it.
Yeah, did that for some time. Turns out, it gets pretty repetitive if youre just going back to arch every month after trying something else because on everything else you just go through a withdrawal of that feeling of ecstasy and pure hatred every time when your PC takes 0.5 seconds more to boot/update/do anything and you start praying you won’t have to troubleshoot it for the next 5 hours and somehow finish your work by midnight
So true. So, Yesterday I saw someone using their laptop, and there was like this Windows Lock screen. And I was like „WAIT why the fuck isnt a terminal there. And where is my waybar on the top? Are those really Windows floating there, what Kind of machorchist would spend a lifetime dragging around Windows in their Laptop monitor?”
If the Problem was with USB-C, why in gods Name dosent my Android phone have this vulnerability?
And thats why insurace should be a government owned thing
Its a suprise to me that there were even people doing that.
foreign man
Why „foreign man”? Why not „Capitalist”? Or „Megacorporation”?
Foreign people are not the only ones who are fucking you over.
I once heard about something like cats liking to lick eat others butthole as a sign of affection, so I think he likes you
I have no idea what it does, but I want it already
You cant be a non furry sysadmin. You can only not be a furry sysadmins yet.
While I think furries generally have Bad mental health, it is not caused by being a furry, but the reason for someone to have Bad mental health is generally also the reason why they are furries
Example: i am an autist, and that is part of the cause for my bad mental health, but being an autist is also part of (or maybe even the) reason I am a furry
EDIT: added an „also” in the first paragraph
So, some time ago I saw a video about Microsoft about how they had gotten their OS so bad that now nobody wants to use it by always going all in into the newest big thing (Vr and win 10 mixed reality, tablets and win 8) and i think the same is going to happen here. microsoft will try to make their whole OS just like steamOS, and fail hardly at both the normal consumers and the handheld market
great, now we have a windows app for a Laptop thats literally designed to run linux. very useful.
Where did you get that lower right picture from? I need it for my stickerpack
I use graphene because I just like its way stricter security features, such as randomized numbers on the keypad when unlocking and it not having any Google services by default
But if you dont care about that and you would rather use MicroG (which is a little project that still runs at root access, but dosent send as much data to google) instead of G services just being sandboxed you can just as well use linaege
Also, linaege is a Team of volunteers that maintain many phones, as grapheneOS only makes Roms for the Google Pixel Series, so all their effort is towards the pixel phones. But as far as I know Graphene only maintains the Roms for phones that are still maintained by Google themselves, only giving a year or so extended support, but I dont know how long the Maintainer(s) that support the Pixels will maintain the Rom
Or just block leeches. Let’s say, if you download 50GB without seeding at least 10
„If ya don’t wanna play nice, don’t play at all”