This flowchart had been shared before, mostly on reddit and likely on lemmy too.
I believe it is good to keep passing this knowledge forward.
As for discussion, are there any changes needed for this flowchart? since it was created a while ago
I think paying off high interest debt should come before building an emergency fund. If you have a lot of credit card debt, that is an emergency.
Even more so I would consider paying off high interest debt wayyy before super incentives!
Would also recommend checking out the Bare Foot Investor book. Simple and insightful.
The only thing I disagree with is the prioritisation of super contributions when FIRE is one of the last steps in the flow chart.
You won’t achieve FIRE as fast as you can if all your discretionary savings are being directed to super and being locked up until you’re 55-60.
If it is inaccessibility, it is other people’s money.
Putting it in super is good for people who can’t really save money themselves, bad for people who are able to do investment even casually.
An edge case is, extra super is also good for people who has really high income and that extra super is insignificant amount for tax benefit
That’s cool. Did OP create it ?
No, I didn’t.
It was passed around on reddit before. I found it interesting as a general guideline for those who like to plan ahead