It’s been sitting here frozen like this for a really long time, hours actually. I’m trying to install Lemmy on my raspberry pi. The terminal hasn’t moved at all in hours, but the mouse will nudge a little after like a minute of lag. Is it frozen in a broken way? Or should I just try and leave it for the night?

  • mo_ztt ✅
    1 year ago

    I think you’re probably swapping like mad, and likely to eventually bomb… I could be wrong but I can’t see compiling a real Rust project on a Pi 3 coming to a successful conclusion. Like one other poster mentioned I think it might actually even damage the hardware from overheating. I think for my system I had to up the hosting to 2GB RAM, and still had to activate swap for some parts of the compilation, before it succeeded. Is it possible for you to cross-compile it or something?